Others' Ideas that Resonate

Dec 7, 2024 · 8 min read

Here are lists of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I intend to continuously update as I come across well-explained, powerful ideas that relate directly to my field(s) of interest. For the most part, these resources are more conversational than technical, and are meant to inspire as well as inform. Also see my list of recommended nonfiction books, which spans a larger range of topics.

Environmental Health




Feature-length / series:

Data Science / Statistics



Feature-length / series:

Career / Miscellaneous



  • 200 Years in 4 Minutes – Rosling, 2017. Global relationships between lifespan and income over time, across countries. Note: there are many videos of Rosling presenting other cool data visualizations


  • Degrees of Freedom – Hasenkopf, 2020. Exploring many different ways that scientists can have positive impact through their careers.
  • AAAS STPF [Sci on the Fly](https://www.aaaspolicyfellowships.org/blog. A variety of science and policy topics, written by scientists working in the federal government.

Feature-length / series: